.NET & Azure Developer



I'm Felix Sjöberg

🧑‍💻Building software and solutions is my passion. My interest in learning led me to the field of programming, where I am constantly motivated by the opportunity to actively acquire new skills and see the tangible results of my efforts. As a problem solver and critical thinker, I excel in finding creative solutions to complex challenges.

🦾Most of my freetime is spent coding, but I also enjoy investing, training & spending time with my girlfriend. Except becoming more proficient with .NET I look forward to learn this in 2023..

  • Work Environment during internship





Clean Architecture Open-Source Template


ASP.NET Core Web Api Template built with CQRS/MediatR pattern with EF Core & Dapper for data access.
This template is built with a clean architecture approach. With Dapper being used for queries against the database and EF Core for commands. Project is using Sqlite database in the infrastructure layer for building & testing. This is could easily be switched out during finalization of built project for SQL Server or other database provider.

Representation of clean architecture design pattern

WebShop Azure API Clean Architecture


Representation of clean architecture design pattern

This was for a school project for the course "Molndatabaser" at Jensen, a more indepth specifications can be found under the documentation folder at github.

Clean Api built against Azure with help of github actions for CI/CD.
The project is built with the following azure resources:

  • Azure App Service
  • Azure Application Insights
  • Azure App Registrations (AAD)
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure SQL Database
The entire project is built without any frontend; the only way to interact with the API is through Swagger UI. Due to the project being hosted on Azure, it is not possible to run it locally, and all configuration files have been removed. Therefore, the project is intended solely for demonstration purposes.

BankApp Rest API Clean Architecture


I have developed a fully functional REST API utilizing a SQL database and with stored procedures, using Dapper for data access.
The project was designed following clean architecture principles, incorporating patterns such as CQRS/Repository and the Options pattern. For a detailed overview of the technologies and features utilized in the project, please refer to the GitHub link provided.

Representation of clean architecture design pattern

Freya's Photography

Portfolio Website

This project was my final exam in the course 'Webbdevelopment 1'. The project was only supposed to be written with vanilla HTML&CSS without JS.

Some of the criterias:

  • Responsive layout using flexbox
  • Following all "Webbriktlinjer"(WCAG by W3C) from priority 1 & minimum 5 from the other ones.
  • User friendly interface (by being consistent, logical, accessible through keyboard or screenreader)
  • Optimised image files.
  • No framework or Javascript.

Additionally, I developed an equivalent version utilizing the WordPress platform.

React Weather

React Application

React Application built against SMHI & User API. Login is done with email and password, which is retrieved from the user API. Users with IDs 1-3 are associated with three different Swedish cities (Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö).
Depending on the logged-in user, the weather forecast for the user's city should be displayed in the interface, along with an icon representing the weather conditions.

Representation of clean architecture design pattern

CRM / Admin System

.NET / React

Representation of clean architecture design pattern

CRM/Admin-System built to simplify customer relationships and provide and easy platform to manage consults. Built in an agile working environment, adding new functionality and bug-fixing

More information coming shortly.. Meanwhile if any question, please ask me.

Portfolio Website


In close collaboration with the artist who has provided design ideas through Adobe XD. The website is to represent the tattoo artist and an easy way for potential clients to see past work and make requests.

Project is built using next.js, project is WIP and about to be released in Januari 2024.

Representation of clean architecture design pattern

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals


Certificate of azure fundamentals

Updated list WIP..